time to eat

celebrate our bravery with yummy foods

Let's eat!
Do you know?
After you eat, the vision becomes clearer... So, don't forget to fill your energy
Wait... There's something in the shelter. You should figure it out!
Click to see the item
Someone called "Joe Krug" leaves his map in this shelter... It looks like he leaves this place about years ago. Let's find the Finsweet Treasure tomorrow!

Into the cave

Pack again your baG!
don't forget bring your spire and food

get your pack
Don't forget to check your backpack!
The cave looks so dark and creepy. Don't be afraid, remember "one step closer"
We arrived in front of the gate. There are a lot of skulls. Beware!

one step closer

we cant enter unless we solve the puzzle.
prepare your brain!!!

Arrange the right pieces!
Oops, we found a guard here.
What should we do now?
Ohh wait... I've heard
this sound before. Maybe he is starving?
Turtle Soup
give our food
YEAY, he's gone! Better we hurry to get the treasure and leave.
YEAY, he's gone! Better we hurry to get the treasure and leave.